StackAdapt 2020 Product Release Roundup

Illustrative graphic of a couple of features that StackAdapt released in 2020

With plenty of product updates each month, we want to ensure you keep up with everything new inside StackAdapt. So, we’re providing a recap of the exciting platform updates, enhancements and partnerships we’ve added this year.

Read on for a roundup of the notable updates from 2020 so that you can take advantage of all these great features to level up your campaigns. 

Accelerating Your Audience Strategies with Self-Serve Targeting

Using a DSP as self-serve puts you in the driver’s seat, especially when activating your 1st-party data. To help you create and precisely target the audiences you want, we have rolled out the following updates, to facilitate this directly within our UI: 

  • Near Real-Time CRM Upload: We are the first self-serve DSP to make LiveRamp’s RampID Retrieval API directly accessible for users. Fuel your campaign personalization by onboarding and activating your prospect and customer lists in near real-time. With this integration, you can create a new targeting segment in approximately 30 minutes.
  • Onboard Your Device ID and IP Data: Upload a list of device IDs and IPs for immediate campaign targeting use—collected from your customers with their consent. Device ID targeting lets you engage with mobile audiences, while IP address targeting increases the precision and focus of your campaign’s geolocation strategies.

Doubling Down on Campaign Performance

In 2020, we made large strides in bringing machine learning to scale up high-performing tactics, so your campaigns can do much more. We introduced features designed to help you find new customers, and test multiple campaign parameters at once.

  • Find Your New Best Customers: To help you expand your targeting beyond 1st-party audiences, we launched Audience Lookalike Expansion. This targeting tactic allows you to increase scale by expanding your audience to reach users who mimic the online behaviour of those you’ve targeted through your CRM data or Custom Segments. By targeting similar audiences, you can increase your conversions by up to 2X.
  • Easily Maximize Your Budget Allocation: Optimizing your budgets across multiple campaigns can often be a challenge, which is why we introduced Performance-Based Budget Allocation, allowing you to set up campaign groups to dynamically allocate budget based on campaign CPA performance. Our intelligent allocation determines the scale of each campaign and allocates budget to campaigns accordingly.

Access Actionable Data, All In One Place

Platform reporting should allow you to measure the impact of your programmatic campaigns easily and extensively. This year we released a new, consolidated destination for reporting to minimize time spent with reporting administration.

Example of a reporting dashboard
  • The One-Stop Shop for Reporting and Analytics: Reporting in StackAdapt enables you to customize detailed, accurate reports delivered in your preferred format. You can also preview exports, and the new dynamic graph will track changes in Reporting over time.
  • Reporting on Conversion Revenue and ROAS: Reporting and tracking return on ad spend (ROAS) is so important, as marketers are on a mission to connect the performance of campaigns to sales. Within StackAdapt, you can now assign a revenue value to a conversion event, either defining a static value or tracking order values dynamically. This allows you to report on ROAS and conversion revenue so you can attribute any shift in budget to success in sales.

Partner Spotlight: Unify and Act on Campaign Data with Funnel, Supermetrics and NinjaCat

Having access to the right integrations makes all the difference, and we’re excited to have added three additional industry-leading reporting partners to help you track the success of your campaigns.

  • Send Your StackAdapt Data Anywhere With This integration enables Funnel to automatically ingest campaign data from StackAdapt, which can be fed independently, or grouped with data from other marketing platforms into your Data Warehouse, BI solution or data visualization tool.
  • Get StackAdapt Data Into Google Sheets, Google Data Studio and Excel: Supermetrics has added a connector for StackAdapt, which means you can create omnichannel reports that combine data from StackAdapt and other marketing platforms within Google Sheets, Google Data Studio, and Excel.
  • Connect StackAdapt Data to NinjaCat: Marketers can now sendStackAdapt data to NinjaCat via their Smart Connector. With NinjaCat you can connect all marketing data sources into a single place and build stunning interactive dashboards and reports.

Want to run exceptional programmatic campaigns? Request a demo to learn more about StackAdapt.

Alexandra Jakubowski
Alexandra Jakubowski

Senior Product Marketing Manager


Alexandra is interested in discovering the best advertising solutions to drive results. She’s responsible for bringing StackAdapt’s new offerings to market—getting new products into the hands of exceptional digital marketers, so they get the best value out of StackAdapt.