5 Programmatic Lessons From the How Agencies Thrive Podcast

learnings from season 3 of how agencies thrive podcast

We started our programmatic advertising podcast, How Agencies Thrive, with the goal of sharing the latest digital advertising trends, helping our audience learn how to leverage best practices for their campaigns, and to truly thrive in a digital-first advertising landscape. Recently, we wrapped up our third season of the show, hosted by Matt Evered! 

Ranging from global advertising trends and the basics of programmatic advertising to more complex topics like footfall attribution, these episodes of How Agencies Thrive will give you the learnings you need to launch winning campaigns in 2023 and beyond. 

5 Lessons From Season 3 of How Agencies Thrive

1. How to Win Big With Programmatic Campaigns For e-Commerce

In season 3, episode 1 of How Agencies Thrive, Matt chats with Praveen Victor, Head of Growth at Clutch, about how digital marketers can leverage programmatic advertising for e-commerce campaigns. They discuss the latest e-commerce trends, how to track programmatic performance throughout the conversion funnel, and how programmatic advertising is a disruptor in the automotive industry.

A key tip that Praveen shares is the importance of a full-funnel approach for e-commerce campaigns. If you’re looking to grow your business, focusing only on the lower funnel or on the upper funnel won’t drive results. Praveen emphasizes that you shouldn’t be afraid of experimentation. See what is working best and stay on top of trends to keep your campaigns relevant. 

2. Key Global Trends for Advertising Spend

In season 3, episode 4, Matt connects with StackAdapt experts from around the globe to unpack the latest global marketing and advertising trends. Learn insights in agency spending, consumer behaviour in markets around the world, and the buying signals that are forecasting future digital advertising trends.

One key learning from this episode is the global increase in time spent online, particularly with video. As the number of digital video viewers keeps rising every year, marketers are increasingly embracing video as an advertising channel. In 2022, online video ad spend amounted to almost $75 billion US dollars, accounting for almost 30% of total display ad spend worldwide. 

3. Leveraging Footfall Attribution Can Generate In-Store Sales

Footfall attribution is a strategy that enables you to uncover how digital efforts are leading to in-store conversions. In season 3, episode 7, Matt chats with an expert from North Strategic, Jean-Philippe about how footfall attribution works, and how to leverage it. 

As pandemic restrictions have faded, consumer behaviour has continued to evolve. While some consumers are sticking with their online shopping routines, many are returning to brick and mortar stores.

One key learning from this episode is how important it is to understand attribution better. Integrating your data about online purchases with in-store conversions helps to figure out how many people went into a store, and in-store conversions that can be attributed to digital efforts. 

4. Tips for Driving Performance With B2B Marketing

In season 3, episode 6, Matt connects with Mohan Ram and Mike Partin from DigitalOcean to learn tactics for driving B2B marketing performance. They explore how to define a full-funnel strategy, B2B marketing best practices, and programmatic strategies for B2B campaigns.

A key learning from this episode is the importance of testing strategies in B2B marketing. Digital strategies for B2B differ depending on the product or service you’re advertising, and the audience you’re trying to reach. With constantly evolving trends, the best bet for B2B marketers is to try to stand out from the crowd through testing different ideas, and by leveraging the latest tools and technologies for B2B campaigns. 

5. How to Add Programmatic to Your Marketing Mix

In season 3, episode 8, Matt and programmatic expert Helene Parker unpacked the basics of programmatic advertising. They explored how to add programmatic to your marketing mix, how to scale with programmatic, and best practices for programmatic ads.

One important insight from this episode of How Agencies Thrive was how successful programmatic advertising relies on a strong partnership between marketers and the programmatic platform (or demand-side platform) they are leveraging for their campaigns. 

The right partner will support improved campaign ROI, provide access to tactics that previously were cost prohibitive, and allow for more testing and experimenting. These benefits enable advertisers to provide more value to their clients, because their campaigns feel the impact of these benefits, too. 

How can you ensure the best collaboration? When looking for the right programmatic partner, start by identifying your needs. For example, if a user-friendly interface is non-negotiable for your team, that should be part of your criteria when choosing a programmatic partner.

Matt Evered
Matt Evered

Senior Manager, Education & Development


Matt has 5+ years of programmatic experience. He helps advertisers make the most out of the programmatic technology available to them through the courses he teaches at StackAdapt Academy. Matt can also be heard on the flagship StackAdapt podcast, How Agencies Thrive.